Donate a kidney to Stephen Shanafelt – Call the Halifax Transplant Team at 386-425-4650. Simply tell them you are interested in donating a kidney for Stephen Shanafelt, they will walk you through every step of the process from there.

I’m the one with the beard.

Hello, my name is Stephen Shanafelt and I have been diagnosed with end-stage renal failure caused by IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger’s Disease.

Living with end-stage renal disease is a daily struggle, and I need a kidney transplant to improve my quality of life. I am making an appeal to anyone who is reading this to please consider kidney donation. On this website, you will find information about kidney donation, eligibility requirements, and the donation process. If you are considering donation, please know that your support will make a significant difference in my life and potentially the lives of others waiting for a transplant.

In November 2019, I was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure caused by IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger’s Disease. I started Peritoneal Dialysis to do the work of my failing kidneys, but as time passed, the treatment became less effective, and I needed more hours of treatment each day.

In January 2023, I was hospitalized with very high toxin levels, and it was discovered that Peritoneal Dialysis was no longer sufficient. I have now switched to Hemodialysis, which is a more physically demanding treatment that involves running my blood through a machine for treatment. I am currently doing this for 4 hours 5-6 days a week, which you can imagine limits the amount of time I can do anything fulfilling in life.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my story. Your generosity can help me and others waiting for a transplant live a better life.

Benefits of a
Living Donor Kidney Transplant

Living kidney donation is a life-saving gift that can significantly improve the quality of life of someone suffering from kidney failure. There are many benefits to receiving a kidney from a living donor rather than a deceased donor:

  • A living donor kidney is often healthier and lasts longer than a deceased donor kidney. This is because living donors are typically younger and in better health than deceased donors.

  • With a living donor transplant, the recipient can schedule the transplant surgery at a time that is most convenient for them, whereas a deceased donor transplant happens when an organ becomes available.

  • Receiving a kidney from a living donor can reduce the amount of time a person has to spend on the transplant waiting list, which can often be several years.

If you are interested in donating a kidney, it’s important to know that the procedure is safe and that you can live a long, healthy life with just one kidney. Living donors undergo a thorough medical evaluation before donation to ensure that they are healthy enough for the procedure and to identify any potential risks. In addition, all medical costs associated with the donation are covered by the recipient’s insurance. Living donors also receive support and guidance throughout the donation process and can take comfort in knowing that they have given someone the gift of life.

The Donation Process

  • 1

    Initial Evaluation: The first step in the donation process is to undergo an initial evaluation. This includes medical and psychological screenings to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for donation.

  • 2

    Matching: If you’re found to be a suitable donor, your blood and tissue types will be tested to see if you’re a good match for the recipient. If you’re not a match for Stephen, you may be a match for someone else in need!

  • 3

    Surgery: If you’re a match, you’ll undergo surgery to remove one of your kidneys. This is done using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques, which typically result in less pain and a faster recovery time.

  • 4

    Recovery: After surgery, you’ll stay in the hospital for a few days for monitoring and to ensure that you’re recovering well. Most donors can return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

  • 5

    Follow-Up: You’ll have follow-up appointments with your transplant team to monitor your recovery and ensure that you’re adjusting well to life with one kidney.

It’s important to note that kidney donation is a safe procedure, and the vast majority of donors experience few complications. Your transplant team will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and support you throughout the process.

If you’re interested in donating a kidney to Stephen or another person in need, we encourage you to reach out to Stephen’s transplant team at 386-425-4650 for more information. Thank you for considering this life-changing decision!


Q: Will donating a kidney affect my life expectancy?

A: Research has shown that donating a kidney does not significantly affect life expectancy. Donors can expect to live a healthy and full life after donation.

Q: Is the donation process painful?

A: The donation process is generally safe and straightforward, and most donors experience little to no pain during or after the procedure.

Q: Will I have to pay for the donation procedure?

A: The recipient’s insurance typically covers the costs of the donor’s evaluation, surgery, and follow-up care. Any expenses not covered by insurance are typically covered by the recipient.

Q: How do I start the donation process?

A: All you must do is call 386-425-4650 and say you want to donate a kidney to Stephen Shanafelt, and they will walk you through each step along the way.

Q: If I donate and then have problems with my existing kidney, then what?

If you are a kidney donator, you get VIP status on the kidney waiting list should you ever have any problems with your remaining kidney.

Q: Who the hell is Stephen Shanafelt?

A: That’s me! I live in Debary, FL with my wife of 13 years, Samantha Jones, who is now my primary caregiver. She is now part of every treatment session and has to stick needles into me that connect to the dialysis machine. Sure, there have been some bloody messes, but she thankfully loves horror movies, and we make a good team.

I don’t get too much time anymore to pursue my interests, but they include playing music, electronics, retro video games, computer programming, travel, and table-top gaming. I play in an 80’s cover band called the A+Team here in Deland. I am the synthesist primarily, sometimes guitar player and also background vocalist. I love those guys so much and look forward to continuing to be a part of that team.

It has been a trying few years for my wife and I, and we can’t express how much we’re looking forward to living life with me having a working kidney again. You can bet we’ll be travelling as soon as we can 😉

Q: What blood type do I need to be to donate?

A: I am B Positive which means I can accept kidneys from those who are the following blood types:

  • O Negative
  • O Positive
  • B Negative
  • B Positive
To donate a kidney to Stephen Shanafelt:
Call 386-425-4650 for the Halifax Hospital Transplant team.

If you call and tell them you are interested in donating, they will walk you through the process.

©2023 Stephen Shanafelt. All rights reserved.